
The Trump Regime Heading Toward Military Intervention in Venezuela?

The Trump Regime Heading Toward Military Intervention in Venezuela? by Stephen Lendman Trump is a geopolitical know-nothing, aware only about what his extremist handlers tell him, along with Fox News rubbish, his favorite TV channel. He escalated inherited hot wars in multiple theaters, along with waging war by other means on sovereign Iran and Venezuela, […]

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Politically Charged Show Trial of Catalan Independence Supporters

Politically Charged Show Trial of Catalan Independence Supporters by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) What’s billed as Spain’s “trial of the century” began in Madrid before the nation’s Supreme Court on Tuesday. On trial are 12 activist Catalan politicians – falsely charged with rebellion, misuse of public funds, and civil disobedience. They […]

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Rep. Ilhan Omar v. Convicted Felon Elliott Abrams

Rep. Ilhan Omar v. Convicted Felon Elliott Abrams by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Convicted Iran/Contra felon Elliott Abrams was appointed Trump regime point man for regime change in Venezuela – violence, chaos, and other horrific human rights abuses his specialty. Instead of being imprisoned longterm for high crimes of war and […]

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US War on Iran by Other Means

US War on Iran by Other Means by Stephen Lendman Longstanding US hostility toward Iran is all about its sovereign independence, its unwillingness to subordinate its sovereignty to US interests, opposition to Washington’s war on humanity, along with support for fundamental Palestinian rights. On Wednesday, a suicide attack on an Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) […]

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Report: No Evidence of Trump Team/Russia Collusion

Report: No Evidence of Trump Team/Russia Collusion by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The Russiagate witch hunt was and remains a diabolical scheme cooked up by Obama’s CIA director John Brennan – a figure as ruthless as fascist gangsters infesting the Trump regime. The Big Lie that won’t die is kept alive […]

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John Bolton’s Dissocial Personality Disorder

John Bolton’s Dissocial Personality Disorder by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Bolton’s appointment as Trump’s national security advisor threatens world peace. His callous contempt for humanity, rage for endless wars, pathological immorality, and other abnormalities define the menace he represents. In 2017, he said the only way to address Pyongyang’s nuclear program […]

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Ilhan Omar’s Criticism of Israel Unrelated to Anti-Semitism

IIhan Omar’s Criticism of Israel Unrelated to Anti-Semitism by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Israel is a nation-state. Criticizing its apartheid ruthlessness is unrelated to anti-Semitism. Claims otherwise turn truth on its head. Before elected to Congress, Ilhan Omar tweeted: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help […]

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Venezuela’s Usurper in Waiting Guaido Didn’t Emerge Like Topsy

Venezuela’s Usurper in Waiting Guaido Didn’t Emerge Like Topsy by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Venezuela’s envoy to Russia Carlos Rafael Faria Tortosa explained that “Guaido was recruited (by the US) 10 years ago.” “(S)ent to Serbia to study,” what’s ongoing now started this way. Guaido didn’t emerge out of nowhere to […]

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Lavrov Slams US Interventionism in Venezuela

Lavrov Slams US Interventionism in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov slammed what he called the US attempt to disguise its interventionist, aggressive aims for regime change in Venezuela behind a Security Council draft resolution Moscow rejects. Russia’s Foreign Ministry said he “warned (Pompeo) against all […]

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Protests in Haiti Over Hunger and Repressive Rule

Protests in Haiti Over Hunger and Repressive Rule by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) US controlled Haiti endured over 500 years of severe repression, slavery, despotism, colonization, reparations, embargoes, sanctions, deep poverty, starvation, unrepayable debt, overwhelming human suffering, and destructive natural disasters. Elections when held are farcical, democracy pure fantasy, Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s […]

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