
Trump Regime Electricity War in Venezuela?

Trump Regime Electricity War in Venezuela? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Short of direct military intervention, so far, Trump regime hardliners are going all-out to destroy Venezuelan social democracy – tolerating it nowhere, especially at home. Their latest stunt perhaps was sabotaging Venezuela’s electrical grid, plunging much of the nation into […]

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Chelsea Manning Resists Trump Regime Attempt to Incriminate Her

Chelsea Manning Resists Trump Regime Attempt to Incriminate Her by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) That’s what subpoenaing her to give grand jury testimony and what could follow is all about – a fishing expedition to find pretexts to indict, in Manning’s case for political reasons. During proceedings, witnesses are questioned by […]

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Trump Bans Disclosure of Civilian Deaths by Drone Strikes

Trump Bans Disclosure of Civilian Deaths by Drone Strikes by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The US, NATO, and Israel indiscriminately massacre civilians when attacking targeted nations or Palestinians. For Israel, it’s official policy under its Dahiya doctrine, unlawfully calling civilians legitimate targets, including women, children, infants, the elderly and infirm. Former […]

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Huawei to Challenge the US and Canada Judicially

Huawei to Challenge the US and Canada Judicially by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Privately owned Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies is the world’s largest telecom equipment company. It’s leading the race to roll out next generation cutting-edge 5G technology of mobile Internet use, ahead of US and European competitors, trillions of […]

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Bolton Threatens Sanctions Doing Business with Venezuela

Bolton Threatens Sanctions on Banks Doing Business with Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Because of its world’s largest oil reserves, Venezuela is a jewel in the Latin American crown the US seeks dominance over – Brazil the other jewel, the region’s largest economy, the world’s 8th largest. Washington under Republicans […]

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US Draft Resolution Falsely Equates Criticism of Israel with Anti-Semitism

US Draft Resolution Falsely Equates Criticism of Israel with Anti-Semitism by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Vitally needed criticism of apartheid Israel is unrelated to anti-Semitism. Equating the two legislatively is all about wanting legitimate views silenced – the hallmark of totalitarian rule. Anti-Semitism is world’s apart from criticizing ideologically extremist Zionism […]

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Dems Against Trump Regime Coup Plot in Venezuela

Dems Against the Trump Regime’s Coup Plot in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Few in Congress dare challenge Washington’s geopolitical agenda, notably not one-sided support for Israel, US wars of aggression, color revolutions, or coup plots like what’s ongoing in Venezuela. Going against consensus entails risks. Big money is certain […]

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Rebranding Made in China 2025?

Rebranding Made in China 2025? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The Trump regime and Beijing seem headed toward striking some form of accommodation on major economic, financial, and trade differences – at best a short-term fix. Structural issues are at the heart of them, not the large trade imbalance between both […]

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Sticks, Not Carrots, Define Trump Regime Dealings with North Korea

Sticks, Not Carrots, Define Trump Regime Dealings with North Korea by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Washington doesn’t negotiate in dealings with other countries. It demands, followed by threats if unable to get its way. It’s why both Trump summits with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un failed, why chances for improved bilateral relations […]

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Trump Regime to Sanction Nations Unwilling to Support Guaido?

Trump Regime to Sanction Nations Unwilling to Support Guaido? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Trump regime hardliners appear desperate. Their expected rollover plot to topple Maduro, aiming to gain another imperial trophy, hasn’t gone as planned. So they’re scrambling to come up with new tactics. A Contra-type war is likely, using […]

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