
Trump’s Dystopian Budget Proposal

Trump’s Dystopian Budget Proposal by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Trump’s dead on arrival budget proposal to Congress is all about funding greater militarism and belligerence, along with serving corporate interests and high-net worth households – while gutting vital social programs. It’s a proposal only Wall Street, the military, industrial, security complex, […]

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Greater Trump Regime Intervention in Venezuela Coming?

Greater Trump Regime Intervention in Venezuela Coming? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Monday, Pompeo hinted at the Trump regime upping the stakes in Venezuela, saying “(t)he United States is drawing a clear line between those who aid (the Bolivarian Republic) and those” supporting US aims in the country. He falsely […]

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Reinventing the Trump Regime’s Coup Plot in Venezuela

Reinventing the Trump Regime’s Coup Plot in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) A coup by any other name doesn’t change things. Falsely claiming what’s going on is democracy building turns reality on its head. There’s nothing democratic about wanting a sitting government forcibly toppled, wanting it replaced with US-controlled puppet […]

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Russian Foreign Ministry on Syria, Venezuela and Cuba

Russian Foreign Ministry on Syria, Venezuela and Cuba by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (MZ below) called conditions in Syria “stable” – despite endless US war, including its support for ISIS, al-Nusra, and other jihadists, wanting Assad toppled, its objective unchanged. MZ explained that the situation […]

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16 Dems Oppose the Trump Regime’s Sanctions War on Venezuela

16 Dems Oppose the Trump Regime’s Sanctions War on Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) In a letter to Mike Pompeo, 16 Dems demanded an end to (illegally imposed) US sanctions on Venezuela – opposing the Trump regime’s military threats as well. More on this below. Illegal US sanctions war on […]

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Trump Regime Threatens Sanctions on Nations Buying Venezuelan Oil

Trump Regime Threatens Sanctions on Nations Buying Venezuelan Oil by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Last month, John Bolton warned world community nations about dealing with the Bolivarian Republic, saying: “Nations and firms that support Maduro’s theft of Venezuelan resources (sic) will not be forgotten. The United States will continue to use […]

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Sino/US Trade War: Both Sides Want Resolution

Sino/US Trade War: Both Sides Want Resolution by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Major bilateral differences are over structural issues, the US trade deficit with China a minor one by comparison. Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference vice chairman Zhang Qingli said “China never wants a trade war with anybody…but […]

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Desperate Netanyahu May Have Another War in Mind to Retain Power

Desperate Netanyahu May Have Another War in Mind to Retain Power by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Netanyahu faces a double threat – possible defeat at the polls in April and/or conviction and imprisonment on charges of bribery, breach of trust and fraud. Strong evidence may take him down. He’ll be formally […]

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Anti-Imperial Rally in Caracas

Anti-Imperial Rally in Caracas by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) US major media one-sidedly support the Trump regime’s coup plot to eliminate Bolivarian social democracy – wanting Venezuela transformed into a US vassal state ruled by a subservient puppet, Washington gaining control over the country’s oil and other valued resources. That’s what […]

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Trump Regime Electricity War in Venezuela More Serious Than First Believed

Trump Regime Electricity War in Venezuela More Serious Than First Believed by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Thursday, Venezuela’s Guri dam hydroelectric power plant was cyberattacked at 5:00 PM during the late afternoon rush hour to cause maximum disruption. Up to 80% of the country was affected, damage done more severe […]

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