
Netanyahu or His Clone for Israeli Prime Minister

Netanyahu or His Clone for Israeli Prime Minister by Stephen Lendman Unindicted war criminal, former IDF chief of staff Benny Gantz aspires to succeed Netanyahu as Israeli prime minister. Heading a so-called Blue and White party, he’s unaccountable for high crimes of war and against humanity throughout his military service from 1977 – 2015. He […]

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Daily Drumbeat of Anti-Venezuela Propagana

Daily Drumbeat of Anti-Venezuela Propaganda by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Establishment media are consistent, sticking to the official narrative, supporting imperial rage for dominance – no matter how dismissive of rule of law principles and concern for the rights and welfare of ordinary people. When it comes to Venezuela, major media […]

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Vatican Opposition to Venezuelan Social Democracy

Vatican Opposition to Venezuelan Social Democracy by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Vatican history isn’t pretty. Pontiffs notoriously meddle where they don’t belong. Liberation theology supporting social justice is considered verboten. Pope Francis’ high-minded rhetoric belies papal tradition, supporting wealth, power and privileged interests, paying lip service alone to democratic values, popular […]

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UK MPs Demote Prime Minister

UK MPs Demote Prime Minister by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)  On Wednesday, the London Guardian headlined: “MPs to vote on alternative (Brexit) plans as speculation mounts May could announce decision to quit,” adding: She’s “under intense pressure to set out a timetable for her departure from Downing Street…” Theresa May resembles […]

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Reviled Guaido’s Car Attacked in Caracas

Reviled Guaido’s Car Attacked in Caracas by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Two months ago, Guaido was a virtual unknown to the vast majority of Venezuelans – a nobody artificially elevated to prominence by Trump regime hardliners. Today, he may be the most reviled figure in the country, designated puppet for Washington’s […]

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Pence and Pompeo Genuflect to Israel at AIPAC

Pence and Pompeo Genuflect to Israel at AIPAC by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Annual AIPAC lovefests are deplorable exhibitions of politicians and others stumbling over each other to pay homage to Ziofascist apartheid rule – contemptuous of world peace, the rule of law, democratic values, and fundamental rights of ordinary people […]

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Netanyahu Addresses AIPAC: Hopefully for the Last Time as PM

Netanyahu Addresses AIPAC: Hopefully for the Last Time as PM by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) A post-April 9 election indictment awaits him for fraud, bribery and breach of trust, his highest of high crimes ignored. After returning home on Monday from a photo-op meeting with Trump, the US president signing a […]

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Third Trump Regime Sabotage of Venezuela’s Electrical Grid Foiled

Third Trump Regime Sabotage of Venezuela’s Electrical Grid Foiled by Stephen Lendman Unbowed after over two months of failed efforts to topple Maduro, failure to win over its military or gain popular support, its paramilitary attack scheme and other tactics foiled so far – the Trump regime cyberattacked Venezuela’s electrical power grid for the third […]

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War or Uneasy Truce in Gaza?

War or Uneasy Truce in Gaza? by Stephen Lendman Aiming to show toughness against defenseless Gazans ahead of April 9 elections, Netanyahu ordered the Strip terror-bombed on Monday – affirming his ruthlessness once again, after countless previous times. For hours during day and nighttime hours on Monday, IDF warplanes reigned terror on Gazan targets throughout […]

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Undemocratic Dems, Major Media Chagrined Over Mueller Report

Undemocratic Dems, Major Media Chargrined Over Mueller Report by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Upset Dems called for blocking any attempt by Trump to prevent full disclosure of Mueller’s report, House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler, saying he’ll go to the Supreme Court, if necessary, to get it all. Other Dems made […]

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