
Police State Ecuador Under Lenin Moreno

Police State Eduador Under Lenin Moreno by Stephen Lendman Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa and Moreno are world’s apart. Correa expelled the Pentagon from his country, shutting down its Manta airbase, the region’s largest. Moreno invited what no country should tolerate on its territory to return.  Economist President Correa opposed IMF debt bondage. Moreno went […]

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Media Rage and Deception Following Release of Mueller’s Report

Media Rage and Deception on Steroids Following Release of Mueller’s Report by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The establishment media propaganda bullhorn rages without letup – producing managed news misinformation and disinformation rubbish on issues mattering most. They’re a pernicious force inimical to what free and equitable societies are all about, serving […]

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The Struggle for Venezuela’s Soul

The Struggle for Venezuela’s Soul by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Republicans and undemocratic Dems want US-controlled right wing puppet rule throughout Latin America and everywhere else. They want democratic governance the way it should be eliminated wherever it exists. They want all sovereign independent governments toppled – notably in Russia, China, […]

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Report on Mueller’s Witch Hunt Exposes Russiagate Hoax

Report on Mueller’s Witch Hunt Exposes Russiagate Hoax by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Summarized, redacted or in full doesn’t matter. House, Senate and Mueller probes ended with a whimper, not a bang. They laid an egg, discovering nothing connected to mandate of what was probed. Russiagate has been and remains a […]

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US/North Korea Summit 3.0?

US/North Korea Summit 3.0? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Days earlier, Trump said a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un would be a good idea. Two earlier ones achieved virtually nothing toward stepping back from the brink on the Korean peninsula toward regional peace, stability, and normalized bilateral relations. […]

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US Media Reinterpret Mueller Report Findings

US Media Reinterpret Mueller Report Findings by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The vast majority of US media are hostile to Trump for the wrong reasons, not key right ones they ignore. Never in modern US history was media coverage so outrageously biased for one presidential candidate over the other. They oppose […]

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Sham World Press Freedom Index

Sham World Press Freedom Index by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Published annually by Reporters Without Borders, RSF calls its index “an important advocacy tool, ranking 180 nations according to the level of freedom available to journalists," adding: It’s a “snapshot of the media freedom situation based on an evaluation of pluralism […]

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WaPo Reinterprets the Trump Regime’s Coup Attempt Against Venezuela

WaPo Reinvents the Trump Regime’s Coup Attempt Against Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Americans relying on what passes for establishment print, cable, broadcast, and radio “news” are mind-manipulated know-nothings, their heads filled with mush. The Trump regime’s coup attempt against Venezuela, the hemisphere’s preeminent democracy, is the most brazen in […]

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Trump Regime Hardliners Want Venezuela Becoming Another Honduras

Trump Regime Hardliners Want Venezuela Becoming Another Honduras by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Under US installed fascist rule, Honduras is Latin America’s death squad capital. Anthropologist Adrienne Pine calls horrific abuses in the country “invisible genocide.” Other than active war theaters, Honduras is “the most violent country on the planet,” she […]

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