
US Media Fail to Denounce the Trump Regime’s Unlawful Aim to Block Iranian Oil Sales

US Media Fail to Denounce the Trump Regime’s Unlawful Aim to Block Iranian Oil Sales by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Monday, Mike Pompeo announced no renewal of waivers granted for eight countries to continue purchasing Iranian oil unobstructed by the US. “We’re going to zero…across the board,” effective midnight May […]

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Landslide Triumph Over US Installed Puppet President in Ukraine

Landslide Triumph Over US Installed Puppet President in Ukraine by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Sunday exit polls showed political outsider/entertainer-comedian Vladimir Zelensky scored an overwhelming triumph over US-installed billionaire puppet Petro Poroshenko by a 73 – 24% margin. More on this below. According to a March Gallup poll, only 9% of […]

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Bloody Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka

Bloody Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Multiple suicide bombers reportedly were behind deadly attacks on four hotels, three Christian churches packed Easter Sunday worshipers, and an apartment complex. Targeted sites were in Colombo, the Sri Lankan capital, Negombo on the west coast, and Batticaloa in the […]

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US Frustration Over Failure to Topple Maduro

US Frustration Over Failure to Topple Maduro by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) What’s going on in Venezuela is a real-life David and Goliath struggle – good guy Bolivarian Republic withstanding devil USA’s best shots, short of unlikely military intervention, a game-changer if things go this far. Trump regime efforts to get […]

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Russian Foreign Ministry on Afghanistan, Syria and Venezuela

Russian Foreign Ministry on Afghanistan, Syria and Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (MZ below) commented on the International Criminal Court’s refusal to investigate US war crimes in Afghanistan, saying: Turning truth on its head, ICC officials said an investigation “would run counter to the […]

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Easter Sunday Anti-Venezuela Propaganda

Easter Sunday Anti-Venezuela Propaganda by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Trump regime rage to transform sovereign Venezuela into a US vassal state takes no holidays.  Its eyes are on the prize of the world’s largest oil reserves, along with wanting the Bolivarian threat of a good example eliminated, gaining another imperial trophy. […]

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Kremlin Response to Russiagate Hysteria

Kremlin Response to Russiagate Hysteria by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The Mueller report exposed the Russiagate myth of Trump team collusion with Moscow to help DLT triumph over Hillary, along with no obstruction of justice by Trump. More on this below. Throughout most of Vladimir Putin’s tenure as Russia’s president, greatly […]

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The State of Healthcare in Venezuela

The State of Healthcare in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Venezuela’s Constitution mandates free education to the highest levels, healthcare, and other vital social benefits. Things operate as mandated despite the toll on government services by Trump regime sanctions – war by other means to eliminate them altogether, wanting Venezuela […]

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Mueller Report Postmortems: Media Big Lies Drown Out Hard Truths

Mueller Report Postmortems: Media Big Lies Drown Out Hard Truths by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Misinformation, disinformation and Big Lies are what establishment media do best – polar opposite what journalism the way it’s supposed to be is all about. To its disgrace, the self-styled newspaper of record NYT has been […]

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US Sanctions Shoot Blanks at Venezuela’s Government

US Sanctions Shoot Blanks at Venezuela’s Government by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Sanctions harm ordinary people in targeted countries. They don’t topple governments – not against Cuba for nearly 60 years, Iran for 40, Venezuela for 20. Nor have they worked against Syria, North Korea, Russia, China, or other countries. Yet […]

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