Bitcoin Ponzi One Event away from Zero — Bitcoin is all the rage again and it seems a new group of victims is now investing in what may be the greatest Ponzi scheme in the history of finance.  We published a book Splitting Bits some time ago that explained a lot of these arguments, but it was drowned out by the […]

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USA Importing inflation instead of exporting inflation for first time in 65 years —  3/10/2024  — The Petro Dollar was a brilliant structure implemented by Nixon + Kissinger in the early 1970s, and was one of the key legs maintaining the table holding up the US Dollar and it’s Global Hegemony.  Modern politicians rarely grasp the brilliance of the Petro Dollar and are ungrateful regarding the value […]

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LEAKED: CDC releases 148 Blank Pages about COVID risks to fulfill FOIA request

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — 3/8/2024- In one of the most ridiculous and hilarious data drops ever coming from the US Government, the CDC released 148 pages of redacted yellow squares, in order to comply with an FOIA request.  See the PDF here: cdc-moving-foia  Source: Contributed by Zachary Stieber (The Epoch Times) […]

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Bid ask ratio highest in 18 months in Private Markets sources say

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — Private markets are seeing a comeback, lagging public markets by several quarters.. Although many companies that saw dramatic losses in equity value are still just off their 3 year lows, bids seem to be trickling back in and for some names in demand, shares are hard to come […]

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Brad Olsen’s Secrets of Antarctica Film Production – Episode 4 – Intelligence Storm — Knoxville, TN — Episode 4 – Secrets of Antarctica with Brad Olsen — In this Episode of Intelligence Storm we interviewed renowned explorer Brad Olsen who visited the remote continent years ago, and has since mapped out several sites which may have interesting evidence.  Brad Olsen is raising capital to explore and film […]

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Witness: US Forces strike a deal and split up Massive Gold Treasure

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — 3/2/2024 — US Special Forces insider witness “JP” described a mission where he and other soldiers were brought to an icy castle with ancient carvings and statues, in order to help split up a massive Gold payoff with shipping containers.  He describes being drugged while taken to a […]

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Investing in Disclosure and the New Paradigm – Exploration and Information

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — 2/17/2024 — So if Disclosure is opening up new markets with released technology, is that creating a new asset class?  We’ve all been hearing about “Disclosure” and those who have been around the block are rolling our eyes, we can imagine the Elite’s rolling out some failed experiments, […]

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Real Time Diagnostics at Point of Care – Disruptive Health Tech that can save money and save lives

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — 2/20/2024 — We are told that science is making life better every day, when the reality is that Big Monopolies stifle technology by sitting on patents or in many cases destroying technology that could greatly impact the planet positively, because it would negatively impact their own bottom line.  […]

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Climate Change for Private Jets? Mike Winston talks about Jet AI and Artificial Intelligence in the Private Aviation sector

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — 2/12/2024 – AI is the buzzword replacing “Crypto” as of a couple of years ago, but many investors are scratching their heads on what to make of AI, how much is buzz and how much is substance.  Founder of Jet AI Mike Winston explained what they are doing […]

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Putin explains 2+2=4 to American Audience

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — 2/10/2024 —  For the first time since the Ukraine “War” started, Russian President and Emissary Vladimir Putin had an opportunity to speak freely to the world and the American people who have been mostly kept in the dark regarding the details of the war.  To skip to the […]

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