A Shocked Wall Street Reacts To The Netflix Implosion

By Tyler Durden, Netflix has crashed 21%, dropping below $400 after trading at $510 yesterday and at $700 two months ago, after the streaming-video company’s first-quarter subscriber outlook missed estimates, sparking panic over slowing growth. Several Wall Street firms cut the stock and slashed price targets, though long-term bear Benchmark upgraded the shares. As Bloomberg […]

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earth changes

The complexity of WW3 and global realities

Global Intel Hub – Charlotte, NC – 1/21/2022 As with most complex geopolitical situations, the news pipeline here is totally manipulated about Russia.  First let’s address the NATO issue.  After The Cold War came to an end there was a handshake agreement negotiated by Reagan that basically NATO would not expand and threaten Russia.  However, the […]

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Bank Of Russia Calls For Ban On Crypto Mining And Trading

From ZH Like many governments, Russian financial regulators have had a complicated relationship with cryptocurrencies. Back in October, Russian leader Vladimir Putin praised cryptocurrencies as a possible tool to help dismantle the global dollar-based financial system. That didn’t stop Russia from barring the use of cryptocurrencies for payment. And now the country’s financial regulators are pushing […]

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Goldman Lost $500MM Trading Stocks In Q4 As It Quietly Sold Even More Billions In Equities

By Tyler Durden, While most analysts and traders were digging through Goldman’s disappointing Q4 earnings report which missed on EPS and trading revenue, and focusing on the investment banking and markets (i.e., commission-based flow trading ) results as well as the ominous surge in expenses… … which sent Goldman stock price plunging, for the second quarter in […]

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Foreign Holdings Of US Treasuries Hit A Record High In November

By Tyler Durden, After October’s ugliness, and before the carnage began in December, November saw US Treasury yields oscillate with the last week seeing rates plunge on Omicron anxiety. So, the big question is – did global central banks continue to dump bonds into this late-rally or did they flip-flop back to buyers of the world’s […]

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Stocks Puke Overnight Gains, Tumble Back To Key Technical Support

By Tyler Durden, US equity markets have given up all their overnight ramp gains with Small Caps back at the overnight lows (down 1% on the day). The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are back to unchanged… This has pushed all the majors back to or below key technical support levels… The S&P and The Dow […]

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A Fed Funds Rate Around 4%? We May Have Moved To A Brash New Era

By Tyler Durden, By Ven Ram, Bloomberg Markets Live Commentator and analyst What do you get when you take half a portion of excess GDP growth this year over trend expansion, together with half a portion of excess inflation over its long-term trend and combine them with the neutral rate of the economy? You get […]

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US Inflation Reading May Hand Lemons To Rates Traders

By Tyler Durden, Authored by Ven Ram, Bloomberg Markets Live Commentator and analyst, When just about everyone and their uncle in the market is convinced that all apples this month look like oranges and that oranges are but lemons, you know you have a problem right away. And so it happens that there is an uncomfortable […]

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China Inflation Pressures Slow As Commodity Crunch Eases

By Tyler Durden, Thanks to various measures by the government to increase supplies of commodities (and simultaneously crack down on speculation), Chinese inflation pressures eased significantly in December. Chinese producer prices rose 10.3% YoY, slowing dramatically from November’s 12.9% and well below economists’ forecasts of a 11.3% gain. Chinese consumer prices increased just 1.5% YoY, […]

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The year of the Unicorn

While public markets quickly process a complex environment with rapidly changing dynamics including the global health crisis, bioterrorism, possible fed rate hikes, inflation concerns, and supply chain bottlenecks; Private markets are full steam ahead.  According to pitchbook, 2021 was a record setting year for private markets: [1] The US venture industry set a new high-water mark in […]

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