Rich Russians Scramble To Buy Luxury Goods As Ruble Plunges; Burberry ‘Pauses’ All Shipments

From ZH Wealthy Russians are scrambling to buy luxury goods  to preserve their wealth, as worldwide sanctions in response to the invasion of Ukraine has sent the Ruble plunging in recent days. According to Bulgari SpA CEO Jean-Christophe Babin, sales in Russian stores has risen in the last few days after international financial sanctions sharply restricted the movement of […]

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“The Market Is Starting To Fail”: Buyers Balk At Russian Oil Purchases Despite Record Discounts, Sanction Carve Outs

From ZH While in their unprecedented broadside of sanctions on Russia, the U.S. and Western allies went out of their way to spare Russian energy shipments and keep economies humming and voters warm, the oil market has gone on strike anyway. Acting as if energy were already in the crosshairs of Western sanctions officials, refiners have […]

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Jamie Dimon Warns SWIFT Sanctions May Bring Unintended Consequences, Can Be Circumvented

From ZH Just hours after western leaders slapped Russia with unprecedented sanctions the likes of which the world has never seen, including a targeted SWIFT expulsion of key Russia banks as well as an asset and transaction freeze of the Russia central bank, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon explained not only why this harsh escalation may […]

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Rabobank: If Putin Has Lost, So Have Markets

By Michael Every of Rabobank The fight is here: I need ammo, not a ride This will be a longer than normal Daily: we live in extraordinary times and a few extra paragraphs are needed to cover it. However, let’s start with the key point: Vladimir Putin has lost this war – and so have markets. […]

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Russia central bank more than doubles key interest rate to 20% to boost sinking ruble Natasha TurakFebruary 28, 2022 Key Points The bank also said it would be freeing 733 billion rubles ($8.78 billion) in local bank reserves to boost liquidity. Russia’s stock and derivatives markets will stay shut on Monday, the central bank said. The dramatic developments underline fears of a run on Russia’s banks. Russia’s central bank […]

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India Exploring Rupee Payment Mechanism For Trade With Russia

From Zero Hedge: While China is still trying not to fully alienate the US while effectively siding with Putin in Ukraine (see “China Calls US ‘Culprit’ For Ukraine Tensions” yet “China State Banks Restrict Purchases Of Russian Commodities, Pause Buying Russian Seaborne Crude“), Asia’s other superpower, India, has no such qualms and according to Nikkei […]

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SEC Proposes New Disclosure Rules For Short Sellers Targeting Stocks

From Zero Hedge: Little more than a week after the first reports of a raid at the offices of one prominent short-seller, the SEC on Friday has suddenly announced two new regulations that firms managing money in the US will now be duty-bound to follow, or risk the threat of criminal reprisal. The new rules […]

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Justice Department Focused On Spoofing And Scalping In Ongoing Short Seller Probe

From ZH The U.S. Department of Justice reportedly “seized hardware, trading records and private communications” belonging to well-known activist short seller Carson Block last October, as part of a wide ranging investigation into short selling, the Wall Street Journal reported this morning. The ongoing DOJ probe, which has been in the news over the last several months, […]

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