
Moocs changing concept of education

Lessons from online learning Will traditional university lectures one day be a thing of the past? Every time a new medium comes along, visionaries proclaim that education is about to be revolutionised. They did it when the cinema started more than 100 years ago. Then they said that radio would change everything. And TV. And […]

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Presenting The Numerous, Undisputed And Very Clear Signs That India’s Currency Was Set For An Epic Crash

Citizens of India have been watching, in stunned amazement, as over the past month the local currency has lost an unprecedented 15% of its value, with a record plunge taking place just last night [5]. And, as so often happens, the population habituated to a government “acting in its best interests” is asking itself – how could we […]

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August US Equity Trading Volume Plunges To Lowest In 16 Years

Earlier we showed one indicator of the US investor’s (should they exist anymore) loss of interest [4] in the Federal-Reserve-sponsored equity market – i.e. CNBC ratings at 20-year lows. In the interest of being more fair-and-balanced we present anther perspective… US equity trading volume in August of 2013 is the lowest on average in 16 years… and all-time highs, middle-east war, taper, […]

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450 On The S&P, Sub-1% 10 Year, And $10,000 Gold – Albert Edwards

It has been a while since Albert Edwards updated the world on his macro and market thoughts. He finally does so today with a tour de force on the crash in the emerging markets, which for him exposes the “idiocy of one of the key investment themes since the 2008 Great Recession – namely that […]

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Hungary cuts off IMF eyes EU exit

By Ronald L. Ray Hungary is making history of the first order. Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European country dared to escape from the clutches of the Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels. This is stupendous news that should encourage nationalist patriots worldwide to increase the fight for freedom from financial tyranny. Already in 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised to […]

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Financial and Economic Meltdown Coming?!

By: DeepCaster_LLC “Our estimates of prospective risk are surging… “At present, we have what might best be characterized as a broken speculative peak, in that market internals (particularly interest-sensitive groups), breadth and leadership have broken down uniformly following an extreme overvalued, overbought, overbullish syndrome. “If you recall, the market also recovered to new highs in October […]

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Are your funds safe with your custodian?

A custodian maintains custody of your funds.  When you open an account at a bank, brokerage house, or hedge fund, at some point you transfer assets to the institution who holds them for you in your name (Your account name).  If funds are not on your person in cash or on your property, they are […]

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The Dow 30 Stock Market Index is the Greatest of All Ponzi Schemes

Beware: The Dow 30’s Performance is Being Manipulated! The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Index – the oldest stock exchange in the U.S. and most influential in the world – consists of 30 companies and has an extremely interesting and distressing history regarding its beginnings, transformation and structural development which has all the trappings of […]

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18 Signs That Global Financial Markets Are Entering A Vicious Circle

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog, You can see it coming, can’t you?  The yield on 10 year U.S. Treasuries is skyrocketing, the Dow has been down for 5 days in a row and troubling economic news is pouring in from all over the planet.  The much anticipated “financial correction” is rapidly approaching, […]

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