
Beijing Calls US South China Sea Provocations Reckless


Beijing Calls US South China Sea Provocations Reckless

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Washington’s imperial agenda aims to control parts of the world not its own – war and other hostile actions its favored strategies.

They usually work against nations it can bully or bludgeon into submission, not against powerful ones like Russia and China, able to respond in kind to US hostile actions.

Editorials in the People’s Daily and Global Times express Beijing’s worldview on numerous issues.

Both publications addressed the latest US provocation in the South China Sea. The USS Hopper missile destroyer entered waters unacceptably close to China’s Huangyan island, failing to request permission – a hostile act Washington repeats all too often.

The provocation followed release of Trump’s National Defense Strategy, partnering with NATO, Israel and other rogue allies in seeking imposition of authoritarian rule over all nations – calling Russia and China “revisionist” powers, naming them US rival adversaries.

Beijing called Trump’s National Defense Strategy and National Security Strategy unacceptably provocative – instead of responsibly seeking cooperative bilateral relations.

Its “sovereignty over Huangyan Island and its adjacent waters is indisputable,” said the People’s Daily (PD), adding:

“Aggressive acts by US warships in the South China Sea undermine China’s sovereignty and security interests, and threaten the safety of Chinese vessels and personnel engaged in normal activities, violating the basic norms of international relations and harming relations between the two countries and their militaries.”

Tough talk, Beijing justifiably angry over US confrontational policies. “…China is working with ASEAN (nations) to make the South China Sea a sea of peace, friendship, and cooperation for the benefit of all,” said PD.

Washington’s military intrusion near Chinese waters risks confrontation. “Such reckless behavior will only hit a brick wall,” PD stressed.

Beijing intends strengthening its defense capabilities to counter hostile US actions.

US trade representative Robert Lightthizer’s annual report said Washington mistakenly supported China’s World Trade Organization membership in 2001 – a hostile statement, damaging bilateral relations instead of preserving and improving them.

Does making America great again come at China’s expense, an agenda it won’t tolerate.

“If the Trump administration turns China-US relations from the status quo to Cold War confrontation, international relations in this century will be fundamentally changed, said the Global Times (GT), adding:

“If Washington insists on stirring up troubles in the region, it will become a lonely pirate left with only a few companions from outside the region.” 

“China has exercised restraint against US provocations in the South China Sea, but there are limits.” 

“If the US doesn’t stop its provocations, China will militarize the islands sooner or later. Then Washington will be left with no countermeasure options and suffer complete humiliation.” 

America seeks global dominance, bullying, pressuring, bribing and attacking other nations – how it tries getting them to bend to its will.

China and Russia are no pushovers. They’re not about to roll over for Washington. They seeking cooperative relations with all nations – able to defend against hostile US actions.

America’s rage for dominance, makes belligerent confrontation with these nations likely – unthinkable nuclear war possible.

Under Republicans and undemocratic Dems, the US is a reckless bully. It needs to be treated accordingly, not appeased.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."