
Bashing Israel


Bashing Israel

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

America and Israel are the world’s leading state terrorism sponsors, partnering in each other’s high crimes, persecuting their own people.

The US wages war on its most vulnerable, mainly disadvantaged people of color. Israel terrorizes Palestinians for not being Jewish.

Both countries pursue rogue state policies, causing unspeakable harm to millions of defenseless people, victims of their ruthlessness.

In St. Petersburg, Russia for the annual Inter-Parliamentary Union conference, extremist Israeli MKs were denounced as “child killers,” Kuwaiti National Assembly speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim haranguing them, telling them to “get out of the hall” after one of their delegation began speaking.

“I want to respond to what the representative of this brutal occupying parliament said, a representative of the most dangerous form of terrorism, that is state terror,” Ghanim said. 

“There is parable that everyone in the world knows. If you do not feel shame, then do as you please. So I say to you – get out of here, occupier. If you have an atom of dignity, get out of here, you occupier, child killers.”

Tough talk and true, though from an official of a despotic Gulf state, needing to clean up its own act, what it refuses to do.

In response to Ghanim’s justifiable criticism, Israeli delegates stormed out of the hall, MK Ksenia Svetlova absurdly saying she and other MKs “defend(ed) the country’s honor” – something entirely absent in Israel.

The conference approved resolutions, calling for the release of political prisoners Marwan Barghouti and Ahmed Saadat.

Another criticized Israel for imprisoning Palestinian National Council Hamas members. By letter, the Israeli delegation complained to the conference president about the way they were treated.

They and their nation deserve  much harsher criticism, along with world community action against their ruthlessness. Words alone are meaningless without measures with teeth taken.

Separately, eight EU nations laughably demanded Israel pay them 30,000 euros for “(t)he destruction and confiscation of humanitarian equipment, including infrastructure for schools, and disrupting the transfer of humanitarian aid…causing suffering for the Palestinian residents.”

For last half century, Israel lawlessly destroyed EU-funded Palestinian projects worth tens of millions of dollars, confiscating anything worth stealing.

Europe failed to condemn its  actions, nor Israel’s illegal occupation and other daily harshness, including wars of aggression on Gaza.

Like Washington, Brussels is complicit with Israeli high crimes, ignoring Palestinian rights, offering occasional tepid rhetorical concern alone, never denouncing Israeli ruthlessness.

As NATO members, except for Sweden, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland and Malta, they’re allied with Washington’s killing machine, waging endless wars of aggression, deploring peace and stability, guilty of high crimes against peace.

Israel knows it can do what it pleases with impunity, including mass slaughter and destruction at its discretion.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."