
Are your funds safe with your custodian?

A custodian maintains custody of your funds.  When you open an account at a bank, brokerage house, or hedge fund, at some point you transfer assets to the institution who holds them for you in your name (Your account name).  If funds are not on your person in cash or on your property, they are […]

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The Dow 30 Stock Market Index is the Greatest of All Ponzi Schemes

Beware: The Dow 30’s Performance is Being Manipulated! The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Index – the oldest stock exchange in the U.S. and most influential in the world – consists of 30 companies and has an extremely interesting and distressing history regarding its beginnings, transformation and structural development which has all the trappings of […]

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18 Signs That Global Financial Markets Are Entering A Vicious Circle

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog, You can see it coming, can’t you?  The yield on 10 year U.S. Treasuries is skyrocketing, the Dow has been down for 5 days in a row and troubling economic news is pouring in from all over the planet.  The much anticipated “financial correction” is rapidly approaching, […]

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When “QE Infinity” Turns Into A Pipedream: Hot Money Evaporates, Rout Follows – See Emerging Markets

Wolf Richter Printing money and forcing interest rates to near zero, that’s how the Fed and other central banks papered over the Financial Crisis, duct-taped the bursting credit bubble back together, inflated new asset bubbles, and propped up TBTF banks. And in so doing, they accomplished a huge feat: a worldwide tsunami of hot money. […]

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New Axis of Evil – situation in Egypt

I have argued that what has just happened in Egypt is a bloodbath that is not a bloodbath, conducted by a military junta responsible for a coup that is not a coup, under the guise of an Egyptian “war on terror”. Yet this newspeak gambit – which easily could have been written at the White […]

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FATCA and the End of Banking Secrecy

Cezary Blaszczyk writes: Among the many recent revelations about American surveillance operations was the fact that, according to Der Spiegel, the U.S. intelligence apparatus “not only conducted online surveillance of European citizens, but also appears to have specifically targeted buildings housing European Union institutions,” Few, if any, of those commenting of late on such affairs […]

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End Of The Great Market Illusion

A series of data which normally would be considered anomalous is growing at such an accelerated rate, it’s no longer ‘black swan’ data; now the flock seems to be all black and it’s flying north for the winter. Take a look at the following chart showing Consolidated Foreign Transactions in Long Term US Assets: (click […]

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Why Isn’t There A Demonstrably Correct Economic Theory?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog [9], Although economics doesn’t recognize it, the operative phrase here is systemic injustice. Correspondent C.G.D. recently asked what I consider a very profound question: why isn’t there demonstrably correct economic theory? “My wife has asked me a ‘simple’ question that I can not answer. After 2000 years, why do we […]

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