
First Ever High Frequency Trading Transaction Tax Introduced In Italy

Nearly four years after Zero Hedge first suggested an HFT tax should punish algos that “churned” quotes and blasted empty bids and offers to stimulate “momentum ignition [12]” strategies, and generally corrupt market structure in a way that lead to both the flash crash, the BATS IPO farce, the FaceBook IPO debacle and the Nasdaq 3 […]

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Securing your email

Internet communication has evolved drastically, yet email still remains the foundation of communication for business and personal use.  Based on the fact that it survived being overtaken by a number of other means, it looks like email will be the primary use for communications for the foreseeable future.  Recent revelations about the NSA Prism program […]

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Analysis of the current collapse

Submitted by Brandon Smith of Alt-Market blog, For years now at Alt-Market (and I have carefully outlined the most likely path of collapse to take place within the U.S., and a vital part of that analysis included economic destabilization caused by a loss of the dollar’s world reserve status and petro-status.  I have also always made […]

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American cultural insensitivity

We’re Not In (Ar)Kansas Anymore, Hillary! As the US is on the verge of generating yet another self-inflicted wound in the Middle East, and another worldwide blow to its already depleted moral authority, many will wonder what prompts this sort of destructive behavior.  While most everyone has a view, and while it is likely such […]

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Community Based Economy

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, We assume the existing hyper-structures of our centralized state-cartel economies will deliver us jobs, happiness, wealth, health and financial security. They will not. Correspondent Simon H.’s insightful essay is not just a critique of our current centralized economies but an outline of a community-based alternative economy that offers freedom […]

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Secure your browsing with the Tor Browser Bundle

What is Tor? The Tor software protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location, and it lets you access sites which are […]

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Prince Bandar bin Sultan linked to chem attacks in Syria

As we showed mere days ago, it appears the truth of who the real puppet-master in the Middle-East is becoming plainer to see. The incredibly frank discussion between Saudi’s spy-chief Prince Bandar and Russia’s Putin exposed a much deeper plot is afoot and the following details from the actual people on the ground in the chemically-attacked region […]

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The beer and wine conspiracy

Wine makers ‘pack bottles with artificial additives’ Wine makers are packing their bottles with artificial additives that reduce wine to “alcoholic cola”, according to an investigation. In some cases producers employ water, sugar and sometimes hydrochloric acid to ensure their wine has a uniform taste and consistency. The research into the quality of the 1.5 […]

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Death of SEO

Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) dead? SEO developed into a quasi-industry because of a few factors during the post .com boom, mostly supported by the domination of Google and the lack of technology understanding from users and businesses.  Businesses knew they needed to get ‘on the internets’  but few new what this meant.  So they […]

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