
“90% Odds of Government Shutdown” Democrats Warn

Following Nomura’s estimate of a 40% chance of government shutdown yesterday, thanks to the pending vote for the Republican’s “Obamacare-Delay” bill, Democrats note the odds of a shutdown of the government are now at 90%. A Democratic congressional aide added, “the only reason I’m not putting it at 100 percent is because nothing’s certain in […]

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With Friends Like These, The U.S. Economy Doesn’t Need Enemies

If you want to understand the potential damage of a debt-ceiling showdown, you can start by looking at how much damage it caused last time. The University of Michigan released its monthly report on consumer sentiment this morning, and in an odd coincidence, it reported that consumers are almost exactly as confident as they were […]

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Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation Is Starting All Over The World

As we warned two years ago, “the muddle through has failed… and there may only be painful ways out of this.” [18] Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog [19], Now that “bail-ins” have become accepted practice all over the planet, no bank account and no pension fund will ever be 100% safe […]

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Greece On The Verge? Military Special Forces Have 15 Demands… Or Else

Greek government authorities are on alert after a union of Greek army reservists of Special Forces [6] issued a statement urging the Greek administration to step down and make way for a national unity government. As Keep Talking Greece notes [7], the statement on the union’ website included 15 demands – including the resignation of […]

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America’s history of chemical weapons ‘experiments’ against its own people: Over 4,000 radiation experiments killed or poisoned hundreds of thousands of citizens

In preparing America for nuclear attack during the Cold War years following World War II, thousands of US citizens became the innocent victims of over 4,000 secret and classified radiation experiments conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and other government agencies, such as the Department of Defense, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, […]

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