
Prepping community grows in the US, fueled by fear of US Dollar collapse

“Prepping” as it is commonly known, is a community of people who prepare for various kinds of systemic meltdown, whether it be social, financial, planetary (asteroid strike), natural disaster, or EMP event.  The idea has gained so much interest it’s nearly an industry in itself, with trade shows attracting vendors and middle class consumers with […]

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Statistically speaking, Americans should be more fearful of the local cops than “terrorists.”

5,000 civilians have been killed by police since 9/11 which is about the number of soldiers killed in the Iraq war.  Domestic police forces in the US are looking more and more like paramilitary units, by acquiring used military weapons and gear, from M-16 rifles to armored vehicles.  Though Americans commonly believe law enforcement’s role […]

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The 0.01% Have Never Had It Better

Worry over inequality occupies Wall Street, says the WSJ.  The worry is based on the suspicion that what’s keeping corporate profits up is largely artificial.  Many corporations are profitable because they’ve fired people; the unemployed don’t spend, thus not boosting the consumer driven economy.  The 0.01% are profiting hugely, but do they really contribute to […]

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Silver & Gold – Hidden Secrets Of Money – Mike Maloney

Mike Maloney warns that “The world will have a new monetary system in this decade… people will simply lose confidence in currency, and what do they always go back to through out history? Time after time, for the last 5000 years, they always go back to gold and silver.” This excellent documentary – which focuses […]

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How China can kill the US Dollar and standard of living for Americans

China has surpassed the US economy on several key measures: China is the largest trading country in the world, the largest importer of oil, and has the fastest growing economy. So why should the rest of the planet listen to China? Well, China now accounts for more global trade [40] than anyone else does, including […]

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Real US Economy Trampled by White Elephants

Marc Faber points out the growing disconnect between the real economy, and the financial economy, referring to asset bubbles as “white elephants.” In a real economy, the debt and equity markets as a percentage of GDP are small and are principally designed to channel savings into investments. In a financial economy or “monetary-driven economy,” the […]

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