The Illustrated Guide To 4 Years Of Currency Wars
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Continue ReadingSaxo Bank does an annual predictions report before the new year, anticipating wildcard events that might impact the markets. See the full report here: TF_OutrageousPredictions_2014 Here’s a few highlights: According to Saxo, there’s a chance that Germany falls into recession, while France’s CAC 40 index could plunge 40pc from this year’s peak. But the predictions […]
Continue ReadingScience has now proven what many have suspected for years; living the quiet rural life is relaxing, good for thinking, peaceful, and more calm. Writers and other intellectuals have often kept rural properties as their main residence or even as a backup, to be secluded with only their thoughts, and the countryside. With the advent […]
Continue ReadingMost investors and traders are constantly analyzing data, and painting the economic picture based on it. But far too often we forget what’s creating the data. Economics is a measure of the real economy, which is driven by real forces. Monopolies are one thing to study, but how do monopolies or oligopolies exert their economic […]
Continue ReadingWhen you think of large banks, you probably don’t think of an eat what you kill approach to keeping your job. Probably it’s not commonly known that behind the scenes, most who work in financial institutions are paid very low wages, and are under constant pressure to sell financial products to customers, to earn a […]
Continue ReadingJust as income disparity is reaching a historic high, so are the conditions in the ‘real’ America, as expressed by conditions in Camden, New Jersey. New Jersey is one of the wealthiest states in the USA, and also home of some of the most violent, crime ridden counties. Here’s Matt Taibbi’s description of a real […]
Continue ReadingAnother government fraud doesn’t seem surprising, but we should look closer at this recent employee of the EPA; in fact their highest paid employee, who was thought to be an expert on climate change. He was a liar, embezzler, and overall bad employee, according to his lawyer, he didn’t work for periods of 18 months. […]
Continue ReadingThis chart outlines main key considerations when creating a cash portfolio. It assumes the user wants to protect the portfolio from various fees and regulations such as ‘bail-ins,’ negative interest rates, counter-party risk, insolvency risk, etc.
Continue ReadingWhen the IMF suggests increases in tax rates potentially as high as 71%, we should listen. The IMF has been at the forefront of global financial political agendas such as the one world currency (SDRs), default of the USD from the Gold standard (thus creating Forex market), and the backing of international ‘death’ loans as […]
Continue ReadingPaul Jay, Senior Editor, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Paul Jay in Baltimore. And welcome to Reality Asserts Itself. A few weeks ago, we did a series of interviews with Chris Hedges, and one of the things we talked about was the weakness of the left, the weakness of the people’s movement, if […]
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