
Inside TAO: Documents Reveal Top NSA Hacking Unit

More leaked documents reveal a secret NSA hacking operation, with techniques ranging from physical implants of malware (sometimes hardware) to infiltrating Telecom networks, and even exploiting Microsoft updates to infect the target machine.  TAO has existed since 1997, but recently interest in the program is exploding, as seen by the drastic increase in the number […]

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Federal judge rules NSA phone surveillance legal

In a surprise ruling, a New York judge has ruled that the NSA’s surveillance program is legal, because it proves Al-Qaeda a ‘counterpunch’.  The name Al-Qaeda was a name created by the CIA that means ‘database’ – in this case, database of radicals.  Is much of the conspiracy theory purported by the US government (The […]

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Chart: Twitter Now Has A Larger Market Capitalization Than 80% Of All S&P 500 Companies

As everyone is well aware by now, Twitter investors and speculators have been on a sharp, sudden and very relentless buying spree, sending the company nearly 50% higher since the first week of December, and nearly doubling it since late November. Why the stock has exploded the way it has, nobody knows, and frankly nobody […]

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Indian Bitcoin Exchanges Halted As Government Shifts Capital Control Attention Away From Gold

Another government is going after Bitcoin, the anonymous virtual currency gaining momentum as traditional asset classes are questioned.  In a surprise move, the Indian government has raided one Bitcoin seller and urged citizens to not use the virtual currency: Having failed miserably in the “control” of capital outflows from the Rupee (via Gold), the India government […]

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Colossal Fraud – There are No Free Markets

There may have been a day when markets were truly free, achieving price discovery through the simple mechanism of supply and demand for capital to assets.  That day has long past, we can argue about when it happened.  But now, many markets, most notably financial markets, commodity markets, the stock market, are highly controlled.  Talk […]

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Speed Reading Software for GIH Members

Used by the CIA, diplomats, and business professionals to read volumes of info quickly, the Vortex XStream is a simple desktop based application that will flash words on your screen based on a text file, enabling you to read significantly faster and absorb more info than traditional reading. Think different!  How we assimilate information is […]

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