
New perspectives – what’s wrong with TED talks? Benjamin Bratton at TEDxSanDiego 2013 – Re:Think

With all due respect to Lizzie Velasquez, the vast majority of TED and TEDx talks are complete bullshit, and it’s high time someone called them out on it. Benjamin Bratton, Associate Professor of Visual Arts at the University of California, San Diego, has a huge problem with TED, and he isn’t afraid to tell them so […]

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95% Of Total Consumer Credit Lent In Past 12 Months Is For Student And Car Loans

From Zero Hedge: Another month, another disappointment for all those who hope the consumer will finally “charge it.” In November, consumer credit was expected to grow by $14.25 billion, instead it rose by $12.318 billion. However, it was once again the components that were key, because while $11.9 billion or the vast majority of November’s […]

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Has Fukushima’s Radioactive Wave Already Hit California?

California is one of the largest economies in the world.  Home to major corporations, major shipping ports, the film industry, and a buzzing real estate market, California has a lot to lose.  Many are still in denial about the radioactive plume that reached the shores of California some time ago.  Now, seafood is showing positive […]

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FBI moves from policy of Law Enforcement to National Security

The FBI’s creeping advance into the world of counterterrorism is nothing new. But quietly and without notice, the agency has finally decided to make it official in one of its organizational fact sheets. Instead of declaring “law enforcement” as its “primary function,” as it has for years, the FBI fact sheet now lists “national security” […]

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In Terms of Real Stuff, the Dow’s “New High” Is Pure Illusion

From Charles Smith, Of Two Minds: The rise in equities does not mean stocks “buy” more commodities in the real world–they buy less. If the new highs in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) are so wonderful, why does one share of the Dow-30 buy less than it did 14 years ago? What does a nominal […]

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Plutonium Circus – documentary

Documentary about the Pantex nuclear weapons plant in northern Texas. More about Pantex: The Pantex plant is America’s only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility and is charged with maintaining the safety, security and reliability of the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile. The facility is located on a 16,000 acre (65 km2) site 17 miles (27 km) northeast of Amarillo, in Carson County, Texas in […]

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