
Dow Down 1000 Points From Highs, Nikkei Nuked

GIH: Stocks have begun their slide from their highs, in an expected sell-off accelerated by the EM Currency crisis and today’s terrible ISM report.  It wasn’t complicated to see stock values couldn’t last, but the question has been ‘when’ and ‘how’ – certainly the Fed’s taper didn’t help.  The Baltic Dry Index has collapsed, an […]

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Introducing the UltraCoin Cryptocurrency Composite Index

GIH: Alternative investing takes a new dimension with the introduction of ‘cryptocurrencies’ – designed mostly as payment systems, the value fluctuates based on customer demand, and marketplaces offer you the ability to trade your Bitcoins for USD or EUR.  Whatever your opinion if this is a valid investment, if one had purchased Bitcoin near it’s […]

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How Rothschild Sees The Future

Rothschild has identified four different scenarios that, in their view, are the most likely to occur. The series of scenarios for GDP growth and inflation in the main western economies, Japan and China may guide investor thinking but their somewhat ominous conclusion is worth bearing in mind: “Further monetary ‘experiments’ are becoming less probable. However, significant imbalances […]

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If 3 inches of snow can cause this much chaos in Atlanta, what will an economic collapse look like?

GIH: The recent snows in the south have demonstrated how vulnerable the US infrastructure and economic system is even to the smallest event.  A few inches of snow is rare in the South, but it does happen.  Gridlock ensued on roadways, businesses shut down, there were supply shortages, and a general shutdown (although temporary) to […]

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World Bank Ex-Chief Economist Calls For End To Dollar As Reserve Currency

In the past we have discussed at length the inevitable demise of the USD as the world’s reserve currency noting that nothing lasts forever. [10] However, when former World Bank chief economist Justin Yifu Lin warns that “the dominance of the greenback is the root cause of global financial and economic crises,” we suspect the world will begin […]

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Baltic Dry Index Collapses 50% From December Highs To 5-Month Lows

We are sure it’s just a storm in a teacup; just a brief interlude before the IMF’s ever-changing forecast for global trade growth picks right back up again and demand to ship dry goods surges back to the inventory stuffed levels of Q4. But, for now, the Baltic Dry Index (admired when it’s rising, ignored when it drops) […]

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IRA Confiscation: It’s Happening

GIH: The IRS has gone after US taxpayers funds in Swiss Bank accounts, and other offshore jurisdictions.  Without raising taxes or severely hyperinflating the currency, the US Government has few options to support its large debt hole.  IRA accounts are ‘low hanging fruit’ because most people trust the US Government, and have a detachment to […]

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FOMC Ignores EM Crisis, Tapers Another $10 Billion – December Statement Redline

GIH: $10 Billion in more taper from the Fed, indicates further tapering.  A bold move against the backdrop of the crisis in emerging market currencies, which caused a stock market sell off and EM Currency sell off.  Unlike many market analysts, The Fed “Sees Growth”: WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday another $10 billion […]

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Dark lands: the grim truth behind the ‘Scandinavian miracle’

GIH: While Scandinavian Society is heralded as a model for economic prosperity, it’s not all as it’s presented.  Here’s another view on some of the cracks in the supposed utopian model for Scandinavian socialism. For the past few years the world has been in thrall to all things Nordic (for which purpose we must of […]

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