
Exposed: Barclays account details for sale as ‘gold mine’ of up to 27,000 files is leaked in worst breach of bank data EVER

GIH: An unprecedented data breach shows the real City; where brokers will do nearly anything to make a buck, including gouging clients on commissions, and stealing customer data to sell to the competition (or worse, scam artists).  It’s becoming more and more difficult to differentiate between ‘legitimate’ financial institutions and ‘fraudulent’ ones, if such a […]

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Retail Panic: Largest Equity/[Bond] Fund Outflow/[Inflow] In History

GIH: The stock market has been off its highs, but more importantly, is a rotation out of stocks, in the largest equity outflow ever.  Investors remember the financial crisis and may look at investing differently than before.  Has the ‘buy and hold’ mentality finally been shook from retail investors?  We are told that over the […]

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Why The Next Global Crisis Will Be Unlike Any In The Last 200 Years

GIH: What the future will hold is difficult to project because of so many variables.  But what we can say with near certainty, is that ‘this time is different’ – a combination of social and political factors has created an age that is unique – general economic prosperity in the West, cheap energy, and as […]

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The Federal Reserve’s Nuclear Option: A One-Way Street to Oblivion

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, The Fed cannot create a bid in bidless markets that lasts beyond its own buying. We all know the Federal Reserve (and every other central bank) has one last Doomsday weapon to stop a meltdown in the global financial markets: creating trillions of dollars out of thin air and […]

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Bank Of America Warns: “Too Few Bears Out There”, “Investors Not Prepared” For Selloff

There is one main reason why complacency is bad: selloffs. Because as Bank of America explains, in an environment in which there are “too few bears“, and where investors are “not prepared for a downside correction”, when you do finally get a sell off for whatever reason, with nobody hedged and otherwise prepared for such an outcome, […]

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Latin American Currencies Plunge To 2003 Lows, Argentine BONARs Shrink

GIH: Latin America should not be disregarded, it was an Asian crisis in 1998 that shook worldwide markets.  Brazil is a growing player in the global economy, and the Venezuelan stock market has been on a bull run.  What happens in Latin America deeply affects the world.  Take a look at these disturbing Forex charts: […]

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