
Ukraine’s new leaders begin search for missing billions

GIH: Is the Ukrainian revolution a Slavic version of the occupy movement?  Now that a new government has been installed, documents are surfacing showing that the former president (claiming to be the current president but in another country..Russia) squandered away billions, hiding in various offshore banks and building a lavish lifestyle for himself and his […]

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The Conspiracy Theory Is True: Agents Infiltrate Websites Intending To “Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations”

GIH: Alarming information has been brought forth as part of an ongoing disclosure regarding activities of NSA and other intelligence agencies.  The following should be alarming for anyone using the internet – especially businesses, governments, and other organizations.  What SEO managers and forum administrators have suspected for years, government agent ‘shills’ are infecting the internet […]

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Ukraine: On the Edge of Empires

Editor’s Note: The following Geopolitical Weekly originally ran in November 2010 as part of our Geopolitical Journey series. We repost it as Ukraine’s position between Europe and Russia puts it in the spotlight. By George Friedman The name “Ukraine” literally translates as “on the edge.” It is a country on the edge of other countries, sometimes part […]

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Why Banks Are Doomed: Technology And Risk

GIH:  Few understand how the banking system really works, and fewer understand how it’s working now with addition of technology.  Most rules, knowledge, books, systems, etc. that define the banking system were done a long time ago, before the internet and computing, and before globalization.  As stated in this article (below), banks – in their […]

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6 anti-NSA technological innovations that may just change the world

Rather than grovel and beg for the U.S. government to respect our privacy, these innovators have taken matters into their own hands, and their work may change the playing field completely.  People used to assume that the United States government was held in check by the constitution, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and which […]

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Scary Chart Of The Day: Average Foreign Purchases Of US Securities Take Out Lehman Low

As we reported earlier today [10], for whatever reason China sold the second biggest amount of US Treasurys in December. However, that was only part of the story. In fact, as we also noted, while the two largest US foreign creditors were net sellers, total foreign bond holdings actually rose in the last month of 2013 and […]

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Spying by N.S.A. Ally Ensnared U.S. Law Firm

GIH: Finally, a situation arise that challenge legal nuances about the NSA spying, and attorney client privilege.  The philosophical question is – to what extent are attorney’s legally required, and also as a matter of service, to go in order to ensure client security?  Having a complete encryption solution would prevent 99% of NSA spying, […]

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The Drugging Of America Summarized In 19 Mind-Altering Facts

GIH: The below statistics give a new perspective to the term ‘zombie nation.’  Previously, we’ve seen correlations between cocaine and the financial services industry.  But with a growing number of Americans on some form of mind altering drug, it seems there are few who are not under the influence. Submitted by Michael Snyder of The American […]

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Europe Considers Wholesale Savings Confiscation, Enforced Redistribution

GIH: Scary revelations coming from the EU, regarding ‘bail-in’ strategies funded by savers.  How this ‘confiscation’ of assets is to be structured and sold to the public (if they have a choice) remains to be seen.  But even having such a discussion should make anyone with any assets in Europe worry.  Cyprus was a ‘test […]

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