
Bitcoin Miners Are Looking To Africa For Their Next Low-Cost Energy Hub | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge Bitcoin Miners Are Looking To Africa For Their Next Low-Cost Energy Hub | ZeroHedge Image source: Pixabay. Free to use Much of the media talk on Bitcoin mining tends to be centered on regions such as Iceland, known for its abundant, low-cost geothermal energy, the U.S., which has long been a powerhouse in […]

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Private Markets mixed waiting for Fed and Elections

GIH – Private Markets are seeing mixed results going into the summer of 2024, while investors wait on a clear signal from the Fed, and a resolution for US Political Leadership.  As readers of this site are well aware, markets are controlled by 2 important forces: Fed Monetary Policy and DC Policy and Regulation, mostly […]

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FTX liquidating assets Anthropic and now SOL will make investors whole

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — May 1, 2024 — ZERO HEDGE EXCLUSIVE– FTX was one of the largest Crypto scams in history.  The bankruptcy administrator is doing a great job of selling assets.  Although FTX was a reckless fraud, they made many legitimate investments which have made money.  We don’t have any insider […]

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George Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel Protests | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge George Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel Protests | ZeroHedge George Soros and his far-left movement is paying student agitators to co-opt and amplify anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country, the reports. The protests, which began at Columbia University, have expanded nationwide – with copycat tent cities erected at colleges […]

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Russia To Seize $440 Million From JPMorgan | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge Russia To Seize $440 Million From JPMorgan | ZeroHedge Seizing assets? Just days after Washington voted to authorize the REPO Act – paving the way for the Biden administration confiscate billions in Russian sovereign assets which sit in US banks – it appears Moscow has a plan of its own (let’s call it […]

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Tesla Soars: Misses Across The Board, But Is “Accelerating” Rollout Of “More Affordable Models” | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge Tesla Soars: Misses Across The Board, But Is “Accelerating” Rollout Of “More Affordable Models” | ZeroHedge As previewed earlier, today’s TSLA print is likely to be ugly: the company is the only Mag7 member expected to reported negative earnings growth… … as a result of anemic Q1 sales, where the (growing) delta between […]

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“We Have 15,000 Samples In Wuhan … Could Do Full Genomes Of 700 CoVs”: Rand Paul Drops COVID Bombshell | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge “We Have 15,000 Samples In Wuhan … Could Do Full Genomes Of 700 CoVs”: Rand Paul Drops COVID Bombshell | ZeroHedge Last week Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) wrote in a Tuesday op-ed that officials from 15 federal agencies “knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus […]

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Counterparties take Notice of Data that’s evolving private markets – Intelligence Storm 5 With Tyson Hendrickson of

Global Intel Hub TV — 4/15/2024 — Private markets are dark and investors have scant information to make investment decisions.  That doesn’t stop some of the largest funds in the world from buying up hot names like Floridians at Home Depot before a Hurricane buying every thing in the store even if it’s not going […]

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Aluminum, Nickel Soar Then Slide After Western Sanctions On Russian Metals | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge Aluminum, Nickel Soar Then Slide After Western Sanctions On Russian Metals | ZeroHedge Over the weekend we reported that, in a surprise move, the US and UK imposed new restrictions on trading Russian aluminum, copper and nickel in the latest bid to curb President Vladimir Putin’s ability to fund his war machine (as […]

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