
New White House Communications Director

New White House Communications Director by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Hope Hicks is Trump’s third communications director in less than eight months, following Mike Dubke and Anthony Scaramucci – fired after 10 days. Hicks is likely to fare better, assuming a role she’s had for years. She’s Trump’s longest-serving political aide. […]

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The News

Imperial Bully Threatening World Peace

America: Imperial Bully Threatening World Peace by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) America’s rage for unchallenged global dominance represents the greatest threat to world peace, security and humanity’s survival. It’s geopolitically out-of-control,  both warrior wings of its duopoly governance hellbent on forcing its will on all other nations. Naked aggression is its […]

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Sanction America, Not North Korea

Sanction America, Not North Korea by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Ideally, sanctions should be abolished, prohibited for any reasons. They’re counterproductive, achieving pain and suffering alone for ordinary people in targeted countries, nothing else. As long as they’re permitted, legally by Security Council members alone, illegal unilaterally, sanction America for its […]

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US Anti-BDS Legislation

US Anti-BDS Legislation by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Global BDS activism is vital – the most effective initiative challenging Israeli ruthlessness, essential to preserve and support. Congressional Israel Anti-Boycott Act legislation wants it criminalized. It aims to “amend the Export Administration Act of 1979 to include in the prohibitions on boycotts […]

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Undemocratic Dems Pretend to Support Universal Healthcare They Oppose

Undemocratic Dems Pretend to Support Universal Healthcare They Oppose by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Congressional progressives don’t exist. Sanders and others pretending otherwise oppose what they claim to support.  During the Obamacare debate, Sanders was the only undemocratic Dem rhetorically for  single-payer universal coverage, then rejected it by supporting the (Un)affordable […]

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Trump’s Deplorable 9/11 Address

Trump’s Deplorable 9/11 Address by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) 9/11 was state-sponsored terrorism. The official account of what happened suppressed truth-telling. Honoring American victims ignores reality. Trump was silent about US-inflicted horrors following that fateful day, endless wars of aggression against nations threatening no one, millions of casualties, human misery and […]

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Russia Intends Responding in Kind to US Provocations

Russia Intends Responding in Kind to Further US Provocations by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Washington bears full responsibility for dismal bilateral relations. Irreconcilable differences make improving them unattainable. Bipartisan neocons in Washington want unrelenting adversarial relations maintained, Trump forced to go along, powerless to change things – a deplorable situation, new […]

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Saudi Crown Prince Visits Israel

Saudi Crown Prince Visits Israel by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) His unannounced visit was reported by the Israel Broadcasting Corporation (IBC), saying: “A prince from the Royal Court visited the country in secret over the past few days and discussed the idea of pushing regional peace forward with a number of […]

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Former Georgian Despot a Man Without a Country

Former Georgian Despot a Man Without a Country by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) In 2003, Washington’s color revolution elevated him to power illegitimately. Familiar tactics included election rigging, organized street protests, and major media disinformation. Once empowered, neoliberal harshness followed. State enterprises were privatized. Georgia’s civil service was gutted. Business-friendly tax […]

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