
UN General Assembly’s 72nd Session

UN General Assembly’s 72nd Session by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) UNGA 72 convened on September 12. The General Debate runs from September 19 – 25, featuring addresses by top officials of memer states. Sergey Lavrov head’s Russia’s delegation. On September 21, he’ll address the GA. He’ll meet with numerous leaders and […]

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UN to Publish Database of Companies Operating in Israeli Settlements

UN to Publish Database of Companies Operating in Israeli Settlements by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The normally pro-Western UN Human Rights Council (HRC) compiled a database of international companies operating in illegal Israeli settlements – in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Syria’s Golan, stolen land for exclusive Jewish development […]

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Harvard Disgracefully Rescinds Fellowship Offered Chelsea Manning

Harvard Disgracefully Rescinds Fellowship Offered Chelsea Manning by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) “Fair Harvard” lacks fairness. VERITAS (truth), the university’s motto, lacks meaning. Harvard opposes what deserves high praise, supports what demands condemnation. My alma mater’s actions are disgraceful, earlier including me on a university fake news site list – along […]

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Security Council Condemnation Instead of Outreach to North Korea

Security Council Condemnation Instead of Outreach to North Korea by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Friday, Security Council members unanimously condemned Pyongyang’s latest ballistic missile test. They sent the wrong message to its leadership. Condemnation and other tough talk encourage their powerful weapons programs. The only effective option is halting condemnation […]

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US to Blame for North Korea’s Nuclear and Ballistic Missile Programs

US to Blame for North Korea’s Nuclear and Ballistic Missile Programs by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Longstanding US hostility toward the DPRK poses a serious threat to its security – its leadership acting rationally to defend itself against feared US aggression.  Failure to develop the strongest possible deterrent would be irresponsible. […]

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Another Killer Cop Exonerated

Another Killer Cop Exonerated by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Wearing a badge in America provides a virtual license to kill with impunity. Incidents happen nationwide with disturbing regularity. Driving, walking, shopping, and engaging in other entirely legal activities publicly or privately at home while Black is hazardous to their life and […]

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London’s Commuter Train Bombing: Terrorism or False Flag?

London Commuter Train Bombing: Terrorism or False Flag? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Suspicions of state-sponsored foul play are warranted because so many previous false flags occurred in Europe and America – though it’s too soon to know if Britain staged Friday’s incident.  ISIS claiming responsibility is meaningless. They do it […]

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US Continues Supplying Anti-Syria Terrorists with Weapons

America Continues Supplying Anti-Syria Terrorists with Weapons by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Washington didn’t wage war on Syria to quit. US cooperation with Russia on resolving years of conflict is more illusion than real. On Thursday, Rex Tillerson and Sergey Lavrov discussed Syria by phone, a Russian Foreign Ministry statement saying: […]

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Hostile US Actions Against RT and Sputnik News

Hostile US Actions Against RT and Sputnik News by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)  The latest US hostile action against Russia requires a company providing services for RT America to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), along with an FBI probe of Sputnik News to check for FARA violations. Enacted […]

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North Korea Responds to Unacceptable Sanctions

North Korea Responds to Unacceptable Sanctions by Stephen Lendman The right of self-defense is sacrosanct. International law affirms it, including in the UN Charter. North Korea is threatened by possible US aggression. Without powerful deterrent weapons, it’s defenseless, an unacceptable situation no responsible leadership would permit. That’s why it continues developing its nuclear and ballistic […]

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