
The UN Stinks of Sulfur With Trump’s Presence

The UN Stinks of Sulfur With Trump’s Presence by Stephen Lendman – Home – Stephen Lendman) Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez always expressed his views candidly on vital issues, a hallmark of his governing style. He once said “(t)he grand destroyer of the world, and the greatest threat…is represented by US imperialism.” “Let the dogs […]

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Deporting Palestinians?

Deporting Palestinians? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The scheme keeps resurfacing – deporting families of Palestinian activists for justice to Syria or Gaza. In November 2014, months after Israeli Protective Edge aggression on Gaza, Knesset legislation was drafted to revoke the citizenship or residency of Palestinian freedom fighters falsely called “terrorists,” […]

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Pentagon Wants Greater Military Spending, Claims Nonexistent Russia Threat

Pentagon Wants Greater Military Spending, Claims Nonexistent Russia Threat by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Washington spends around as much as the rest of the world combined on militarism and warmaking, with all so-called defense categories included. It’s at a time when the nation’s only enemies are invented ones to keep things […]

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UN Russia Bashing

UN Russia Bashing by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) A shameful UN High Commissioner for Human Rights report on Russia’s Crimean republic and Sevastopol reads like it was written by Washington’s intelligence establishment – an exercise in disinformation. Self-determination is a universal right – recognized by the UN Charter and other international […]

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Canada’s Shame: Banning Chelsea Manning’s Entry

Canada’s Shame: Banning Chelsea Manning’s Entry by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) O Canada needs a rewrite, the nation’s national anthem, redesigning its national flag as well, a skull and crossbones or perhaps swastika replacing its traditional maple leaf. The Trudeau government permanently banned Chelsea Manning from entering the country, she revealed […]

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Israel Responsible for Killing Three of Its Security Forces

Israel Responsible for Killing Three of Its Security Forces by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Palestinian Nimr Mahmoud Ahmed Jamal pulled the trigger. Occupation harshness claimed the lives of two Israeli security guards and a border police officer at the entrance of the illegal Har Adar settlement. Regime ruthlessness has a price, […]

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Trump Ups the Stakes in Syria

Trump Ups the Stakes in Syria by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Trump is a businessman, a geopolitical no-nothing. Delegating warmaking to hawkish generals was a reckless act. He doesn’t immerse himself in details, largely stays disengaged from policymaking complexities, lets others handle them. Generals love wars, how they advance in rank […]

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Trump’s Deplorable Agenda

Trump’s Deplorable Agenda by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) In his first eight months in office, Trump escalated US wars of aggression in multiple theaters, risks nuclear war on the Korean peninsula, possible direct confrontation with Russia and China – while serving Wall Street, war-profiteers, other corporate favorites and wealthy Americans exclusively […]

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Graham-Cassidy’s Demise

Graham-Cassidy’s Demise by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) GOP senators could only lose two votes from their ranks. Rand Paul and John McCain publicly opposed the measure earlier. On Monday, Susan Collins drove a stake through its heart, saying she’ll vote against the bill, effectively killing it. More on this below. Senator […]

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Cuban Foreign Minister’s Truth-Telling UN Address

Cuban Foreign Minister’s Truth-Telling UN Address by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) America has been hostile to Cuba since its 1950s revolution, replacing mafia-infested despotism with responsible rule. Hardliners in Washington want it transformed back to its former status. Trump slammed the door on improved relations, hardening the decades-old illegal embargo, restricting […]

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