
Catalan Leader Fails to Meet Madrid’s Deadline

Catalan Leader Fails to Meet Madrid’s Deadline by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Catalan President Carles Puigdemont is more equivocator than decider, failing to formally declare independence from fascist Spain – the overwhelming will of the autonomous region’s voters. Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy gave him until 10:00AM Monday local time to say […]

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Multiple Gunmen Involved in Las Vegas Shootings?

Multiple Gunmen Involved in Las Vegas Shootings? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The official story lacks credibility. None of it can be believed, media scoundrels going along with authorities, suppressing information they don’t want reported. Kymberley Suchomel, aged-28, attended the October 1 Harvest Music Festival. She survived what happened, dying mysteriously […]

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Chavistas Triumph in Regional Elections

Chavistas Triumph in Regional Elections by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Sunday, ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) candidates won 17 out of 22 gubernatorial elections – results from one state yet to be announced. President Maduro said voter turnout was the highest in 15 years at over 61%. Over […]

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States Sue Trump for Cutting Off Healthcare Subsidies

States Sue Trump for Cutting Off Healthcare Subsidies by Stephen Lendman If America had universal healthcare like all other developed nations and many others, the only issue would be improving it, making it the world’s best. Instead, it’s a national disgrace, by far the world’s most expensive, increasingly unaffordable for tens of millions of households […]

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Israel Terror-Bombs Syria Again

Israel Terror-Bombs Syria Again by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) It’s done it numerous times before, the world community failing to hold it accountable for aggression – encouraging further attacks at its discretion. On Monday, Israel warplanes struck an anti-aircraft battery 50 km east of Damascus, operating  illegally from Lebanese airspace, treating […]

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Longstanding Sexual Abuse in Hollywood

Longstanding Sexual Abuse in Hollywood by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) It’s been commonplace throughout tinseltown’s history. The so-called casting couch has been around for the past century, producers and other industry executives demanding sexual favors for roles in films, aspiring actors and experienced ones pressured to submit. The Harvey Weinstein scandal […]

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Trump’s Hostility Toward Iran and North Korea Risks War

Trump’s Hostility Toward Iran and North Korea Risks War by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Trump is militantly hostile to North Korea and Iran. Confrontation with either or both countries would be catastrophic. His extreme rhetoric is cause for great concern. His neocon-infested administration is capable of anything. Threatening to “totally destroy” […]

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Putin on Eroding International Law

Putin on Eroding International Law by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Saturday, he addressed the Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly (IPU) in St. Petersburg – where Russia’s first parliament, the State Duma, was established in 1906, the body a contributing factor in the 1917 revolution, abolishing czarist rule. The IPU is the world’s […]

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Syrian Forces Liberate ISIS Stronghold

Syrian Forces Liberate ISIS Stronghold by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Earlier, ISIS shifted its stronghold from Raqqa to Deir Ezzor province, headquartered in Al-Mayadeen, aided by Washington – supporting the terror group, not combating it as falsely claimed. At midday local time October 14, AMN news reported Al-Mayadeen’s liberation after days […]

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