
Three Arab Knesset Members Face Possible Bogus Charges


Three Arab Knesset Members Face Possible Bogus Charges

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Palestinian Knesset lawmakers are treated like fifth column threats – insulted, threatened, abused, even spat on, making it impossible for them to serve Israeli Arabs they represent.

Israeli police recommended Joint (Arab) List MKs Haneen Zoabi, Jamal Zahalka and Joumah Azbarga be charged with fraud, money laundering, forgery, breach of trust, and other counts – an effort to drum them out of the Knesset, along with silencing them if prosecuted and imprisoned.

That’s how Ziofascism works, denigrating Arabs, persecuting them for not being Jewish.

Zoabi was the first Arab woman Knesset member. “I got used to being abused,” she said. In 2014, she was suspended from the Knesset for six months – on unjustifiable charges of incitement, one of many ways Israel uses to denigrate and persecute Palestinians.

She rejects the notion of Israel as a Jewish state, calling it “inherently racist.”

Following her participation in the May 2010 Mavi Marmara humanitarian mission to Gaza, she was stripped her of key parliamentary rights and privileges.

She called Israel’s attack on the vessel a “pirate military operation (intending) to cause the largest possible number of fatalities in order to stop such initiatives in the future.”

Along with death threats, she’s been vilified, harassed, and called a traitor – for wanting her Arab heritage respected.

Earlier she was physically assaulted by another Knesset member during a legislative debate.

In December 2012, Israel’s Central Election Committee (CEC) disqualified her from seeking reelection. Two weeks later, Israel’s High Court ruled otherwise – voting unanimously in her favor.

She’s been investigated before on fabricated charges, including incitement. Other Palestinian Knesset members are treated as abusively.

So are Palestinian Legislative Council members, 11 of its 132-member body incarcerated as political prisoners for belonging to the wrong party.

Zoabi, Zahalka and Azbarga are barred from voting in committee. Earlier Zoabi and Zahalka were accused of “inspiring terrorism and encouraging the murder of more and more Israelis.” 

They may be prosecuted ahead for being Arab lawmakers in a racist Jewish state – Jews alone afforded justice.

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