Global Intel Hub — 8/26/2024 — Many of us have always known, and more people are becoming aware that we have been lied to about so many things, but also about our history. Ancient history is the most compelling research topic as it’s the most vague. But sometimes clues are found, and they are all around us. We were drawn to this site, and have went back several times to collect data of various kinds, and compiled a short documentary style video, enjoy:
On the top of Black Mountain in Cumberland, County, TN – there appears a circle of rocks cut in straight form, and in the middle a stone cube. The ground has been cut and cleared that the area surrounding the cube has a westerly view over the basin. When present, a positive energy uplifts you – you don’t want to leave. Once you visit, you want to go back. The overlook is breathtaking.
We visited this location many times, including once with Dr. Michael Salla who confirmed what he felt as “Portal Energy.” Skeptics are encouraged to visit this site for yourself.
Here are some other interesting photos of the site:
Here are some Photoshop analysis of the site from Satellite images:
So, is there any other anomalies in nearby areas?
This has been seen over Chattanooga (August 10th, 2024) –
Portals require large amounts of energy so something like this indicates underground infrastructure capable of handling such energy creation.
Dr. Michael Salla interviewed active military whistleblower JP who reported on a mission to an underground Spaceport near the TN, AL, MS border (part of the same mountain region). [1]
In the above interview, witness JP states that an area deep underground was modified based on a natural cavern, which is (as he estimates) several football fields
Many reports of anomalies including UFOs have been reported in that part of the state as well (A) – see where the Black Mountain Ancient Portal site is (B): [2]
Nearby Hinch mountain is also a place of many reported anomalies.
This is part of the same ridge where possible evidence of Egyptian temples were found [3] [4]:

The Cox mound. An ancient Egyptian ruin in Tennessee? Photo: Tennessee Digital Collections.
Mainstreamers will probably attribute this site and others to the Mississippian culture [5] and they very well may have inhabited this area, but no explanation as to how simple people were able to move such large stone blocks or cut them, is what remains a mystery.
Approximate areas of various Mississippian and related cultures
The mystery is that we don’t know how such facilities were constructed. Small pathways are cut for people to walk, or was it a foundation that supported a much larger structure at one time (made of some other material such as wood or … ?)
Combined with other anomalies in the area, this is certainly a location of high energy, possibly an Ancient Portal, that warrants further exploration.
AI Artistic Renderings
Perhaps this is what construction looked like:
Perhaps this is what the facility looked like when in use:
During this sound meditation, connect to the Portal under Black Mountain, and visualize what the site may have been like:
Visit on Google Maps Black Mountain Trailhead, TN
See the full album high resolution Google Photos Black Mountain TN
TN State webpage Black Mountain (Part of Cumberland Trail System)
[1] JP Mission to Underground Spaceport in US Southeast – JP Update No.18
[3] An Ancient Egyptian Temple in Tennessee?
[4] Tennessee Egyptian Temple & Amazing GA/TN Archaeology