
Ahed Tamimi’s Detention Extended


Ahed Tamimi’s Detention Extended

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Iconic Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi represents a new generation of Palestinian resistance against brutal Israeli occupation.

Lawlessly arrested on December 19 for challenging Israeli soldiers on her family’s property, slapping one hard in the face in response to being slapped, an Israeli kangaroo military court extended her detention for the third time on Thursday – five more days ahead of charges coming to keep her imprisoned much longer.

According to Israel’s military advocate general, she and her mother Nariman face charges of “assaulting a soldier, harming the security of the area (their front lawn), incitement and other felonies,” court documents stated.

Other charges may be added related to their involvement in protesting occupation harshness. Israel targeted Nariman as well for posting the slapping incident video gone viral online.

Ahed’s Twitter account was taken down. The company is notoriously complicit with US and Israeli ruthlessness.

A supportive #FreeAhedTamimi account was launched, for how long before removed remains to be seen. One posting said “(m)ay we all have a quarter of her courage and integrity when we are only twice her age.”

When arrested on December 19, her activist father Bassem posted the news on Facebook, saying “(d)ear friends, Israeli occupation forces raided my home and arrested my daughter Ahed Tamimi.” 

“They beat us, searched our home and confiscated all our electronic devices, including cameras, computers, and mobile phones.”

Palestinian lawyer Osama al-Saadi and Arab MK Ahmad Tibi attended Thursday’s military court hearing.

They issued a statement saying “(t)hey have lost their temper due to a slap on a soldier’s face. However, none of them has paid heed to the crime perpetrated by Israel’s military forces who shot Ahed’s relative in the head.”

Days earlier, a dozen British MPs expressed support for Ahed. A motion tabled noting “deep concern” over Israeli security forces invading her home pre-dawn, arresting and “taking her away for interrogation,” adding:

She was “targeted because she is the daughter of parents who are leading activists in the popular struggle against the occupation in the village of Nabi Saleh.”

The MPs “acknowledge(d) the reality of repression against ordinary Palestinians and note(d) the disproportionate response to any action taken by Ahed, and reject(ed) the routine use of night arrests and interrogation of minors by Israeli military forces which fuel further hatred and division.”

They called for her “immediate unconditional release.” Separately, Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn expressed outrage about her arrest and detention.

Most British MPs, Theresa May’s government, other EU member states, Canada, and virtually the entire US political establishment one-sidedly supports Israel – ignoring or partnering in its high crimes.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."