Ahed Tamimi a Threat to Israeli Security?
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
That’s how an Israeli military judge and hostile media characterized her.
She’s aged-16, small in frame, physically no match for an Israeli soldier or other security force personnel, male or female, some twice her size and heavily armed.
Her redoubtable spirit and prominence alone make her dangerous, a teenager courageously resisting Israeli viciousness. Millions worldwide admire her.
If Occupied Palestine had many thousands more matching her grit and fearlessness in the face of a brutal occupier, maybe things would have advanced closer to liberation.
Israeli forces are no match against over five million West Bank and East Jerusalem Palestinians, another two million besieged Gazans.
If rose up en masse, millions confronting Israeli viciousness, unwilling to take it anymore, revolutionary change could be possible. It’s likely the only way, a mass intifada far exceeding two earlier ones, continuing until occupation ends, rejecting worthless peace talks accomplishing nothing every time initiated.
Israel and its people would be terrified at the prospect of being overrun by hordes of committed Palestinians, going all-out like never before to be free at last.
Instead of praising Ahed’s courage in the face of extreme occupation harshness, Israeli media repeated comments by a military judge, Major Chaim Biliti, shamefully saying her release would threaten security, adding:
Releasing her could obstruct the investigation, along with claiming her mother, Nariman, is connected to other offenses.
Last week, military judge Limor Drachman extended Ahed’s detention to Christmas day, spuriously claiming she might try to injure Israeli soldiers.
Neither she, her mother, father, or other family members committed offenses. Israeli investigations fabricate reasons to imprison Palestinians. Legitimate ones don’t exist.
The vast majority of targeted Palestinians are arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned for political reasons, not criminality. Charges when made are fabricated.
Many Palestinians are held administratively uncharged and untried, political prisoners like most others for resisting occupation harshness, wanting to live peacefully on their own land, in their own country, free from Israeli dominance.
Court documents suggest Ahed may be charged with “assaulting a soldier, harming the security of the area, incitement, and other felonies” – fabricated allegations, not legitimate ones.
Ahed’s father Bassem called Monday’s hearing “a theater of the absurd,” adding:
“The Israeli courts have become part of the law enforcement apparatus that operates in the service of the occupation. The decision is the result of propaganda coming from the extreme right in Israel.”
According to Ahed’s lawyer Gaby Lasky, “(t)he fact that a 16-year-old girl managed to bring the occupation into the living room of all citizens after years of neglect played a significant role in her arrest,” adding the military judge should have ordered her release.
According to the Addameer prisoner support group on Tuesday, Israeli forces killed 15 Palestinians since Trump’s Jerusalem declaration, thousands injured, including hundreds of children.
Nearly 600 Palestinians were arrested and detained, including almost 200 children and about a dozen women.
Excessive force and mass-arresting Palestinians are part of longstanding Israeli collective punishment, banned by Fourth Geneva, yet remains systematic policy anyway.
Ahed and her family members are part of a state-sponsored and media vilification campaign, demanding her prosecution and detention.
Palestinian social media hail Ahed as a modern-day Joan of Arc, 19-year-old 15th century French heroin during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years’ War.
She was canonized as a Roman Catholic saint, burned at the stake on false charges, a redoubtable figure to this day, a martyr declared a national symbol of France by Napoleon Bonaparte – beatified in 1909, canonized in 1920.
Ahed deserves life, not death or imprisonment. Israel wants her and family members silenced – killing or imprisoning her the only way.
She’s too resolute, steadfast, courageous and committed for justice to ever surrender to Israeli pure evil.
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