
Globalintelhub.com (GIH) is an information archive of cutting edge intelligence and analysis, including information about the financial markets, global macro economic trends, science, technology, philosophy, society, health, computing, space, and more.

The internet’s popularity is increasing globally, but the quality of information sources is decreasing at a faster pace.  Many sources are filled with biases of all kinds, and others that do offer high quality intelligence focus on a specific niche.  GIH was founded with the intent to bring our members secure unbiased information and intelligence on all relevant topics.

Global Intel Hub has a focus on markets – as we deliver analysis to investors who need actionable intelligence.  We are not a political service – we want to provide real business intelligence so investors can make good decisions.



Global Intel Hub provides members with analysis, intelligence, and research on any important topic with a focus on the global markets, systemic analysis, intelligence reports, and research.

  • Breaking news research – When events such as 911, Hurricane Katrina, a plane crash in San Francisco, or the Fukushima event in Japan happen; it may take weeks or longer for a wide understanding of key facts.  In the initial hours and days following the event, much noise is generated by news agencies and others reporting on the topic.  Global Intel Hub sifts through the noise providing breaking analysis and posting key facts of the event.  This can be important for traders or investors when these events impact the markets.  Businesses can use this type of research as soon as possible to include in their planning, especially when they are impacted by such events.
  • Niche research – For important niche topics filled with biases and noise, Global Intel Hub will collect and post relevant research on the topic, as well as writing analysis reports on the topic.  Examples include the global tax regulation change, financial regulation changes, online security, technology development, region specific political analysis (such as situation in the EU), and others.  Members can always suggest a topic for research and premium members can receive customized analysis and research based on their needs.
  • Intelligence library – A collection of must read reports, books, and analysis created by our content partners as well as leading intelligence agencies such as the CIA, Stratfor; and from financial intelligence sources, corporate intelligence sources, and political intelligence sources.
  • Markets analysis – Leading edge markets analysis on important market events such as Quantitative Easing and its impact on the markets and investors, Foreign Exchange and it’s impact on any portfolio, and specific trade ideas based on a global macro view.
  • Insightful documentaries – Global Intel Hub finds must watch groundbreaking documentaries and educational videos important to the topic.
  • Financial education – Through our content partnership with Elite Forex Training, Global Intel Hub hosts Forex training courses and educational material for investors.  Elite Forex Training provides institutional financial education and training for investors and financial professionals.  EFT’s courses are mostly one on one and customized, however they have provided Global Intel Hub with screen recordings, presentations, articles, educational videos, and other educational resources now offered exclusively to Global Intel Hub members.
  • Important news – The internet makes it possible to get most news available in minutes, and once scooped by a blog or website it filters through the internet quickly.  But how do you know what news is relevant?  More information or too much information can harm the outcome of analysis.  Global Intel Hub searches news sources for the one or two stories that matter, that are not always the leading story.
  • Research tools – Tools to aid in your own research, such as sources, niche search engines, software to aid in research.

Global Intel Hub is developing a new model for ‘private internet’ which creates a synergy with all members, solving multiple problems (such as privacy and security) with one solution.

Global Intel Hub is a free news site.  In the future we plan to launch analysis services in partnership with some of our sponsors.

Future services in development:

  • Discount club – GIH users will receive bulk / discount pricing for online ordering of products.
  • Expat services – Facilitating expats, from foreign exchange to finding a good dentist.
  • Secure private ‘global’ VPN – GIH will use it’s own private internet, members logon through VPN.
  • Member owned and operated financial institution


See Global Intel Hub on Scribd

See an article we published featured on www.rense.com leading alternative news site since before 2000:

Content Partners

Global Intel Hub has several content partners who submit their content exclusively to GIH:

  • Elite E Services, Inc. –  Forex analysis and intelligence
  • PreIPOSwap.com – a Blog about Private Equity
  • Crediblock.com – Our owner, a technology blog

Also GIH posts collected research on topics from public internet sources.

Featured Authors

Stephen Lendman

Stephen Lendman was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Two years of US Army service followed, then an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1960. After working seven years as a marketing research analyst, he joined the Lendman Group family business in 1967. He remained there until retiring at year end 1999. Writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient.


GIH is unbiased and objective.  We do not prescribe to any political or religious ideology, although we may host information on these topics if they hold a high information value.

GIH is non-discriminatory.  Anyone is welcome to join, regardless of race, origin, or personal views.


This website does not offer investment advice.

All materials are for educational purposes only.

Paid access to the site is for a secure connection and membership only.

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