
9th Security Council Meeting This Year on North Korea


9th Security Council Meeting This Year on North Korea

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Nine Security Council sessions in a single year on one issue against one country may be a record number. It’s surely an example of unprecedented counterproductiveness.

Instead of pushing North Korea to suspend its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, they encouraged the country to accelerate their development, hostile rhetoric from Washington, Tokyo and elsewhere providing an a greater urgency to do it. 

The DPRK genuinely fears possible US aggression, knowing these weapons are its most important deterrent. Given the ominous threat from the Trump administration, it would be madness to give them up, leaving the country defenseless.

During Wednesday’s Security Council session, US envoy Nikki Haley embarrassed herself as usual, again proving how unqualified she is for the job, a laughingstock on sensitive issues, a geopolitical know-nothing pretending otherwise – raging out-of-control whenever commenting on nations Washington opposes.

She reckless accused North Korea of “nuclear aggression,” called its military “its war machine,” while urging total isolation of the country, cutting off all trade, claiming a nonexistent DPRK threat.

Throughout its entire post-WW II history, it never attacked another country, something America does repeatedly, currently waging naked aggression in multiple theaters, along with hostile covert activities in numerous others.

No nation in world history poses a greater threat to humanity’s survival than America. North Korea’s leadership supports peace and stability, not war.

It wants normalized relations with all countries, a peace treaty ending the 1950s war, dialogue with Washington on contentious issues, along with an end to its threatened aggression.

If no threat to its security existed, it never would have sought nuclear weapons and ICBM capabilities.

Washington’s longstanding hostility toward the country forced it to prioritize defense, creating as formidable a deterrent as possible – clearly not for offense based on its historical record.

Haley showed why it’s necessary. “Make no mistake,” she roared, saying “if war comes, (the country) will be utterly destroyed” – what greater incentive for its leadership to continue advancing its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

During yesterday’s Security Council session, China and Russia accused Washington of encouraging DPRK nuclear and ballistic missile development.

Both countries support dialogue and a double freeze of North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile tests, along with suspending provocative US military exercises with South Korea and Japan.

Yesterday, China’s UN envoy Wu Haitao called it a “suspension-for-suspension” proposal, adding:

“When the parties adopted a tough stance and misjudged each other, the chances for peace passed by.”

Russia’s UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya said “(o)ver the past two and a half months, the United States and its allies seem to have tried the patience of Pyongyang with its activities including its unplanned and undeclared military manoeuvers and recently introducing unilateral sanctions.”

“Against the backdrop of the calm and quiet by Pyongyang of these hostile moves against (its country) forces us to think about the sincerity of the statements by Washington about its preference for peaceful means for resolving the crisis.”

Trump urged Chinese President Xi Jinping to halt all oil shipments to the DPRK. Beijing rejects anything intensifying crisis conditions, including measures to crush North Korea’s economy, likely creating a refugee crisis on its border.

On November 30, China’s Global Times (GT) accused the Trump administration of counterproductive actions against North Korea – calling US policy on the country “an abysmal failure,” adding:

“When Washington first took the initiative to negotiate, they ignored Pyongyang security demands, essentially blowing an opportunity urging them to discontinue their nuclear weapons program.” 

“And right now, the Trump administration actually believes it can influence Pyongyang’s weapons program by applying greater pressure on the country.” 

“And as if that wasn’t enough, Washington is counting on China to support a new round of Trump administration pressure tactics.”

“It is time the US realized that increasing and tightening sanctions already in place will not have the desired effect. Since yesterday, Pyongyang has never been this confident.” 

“Condemnations from the UN Security Council and the new sanctions that may follow will solve nothing.”

China supports enforcement of Security Council resolutions. It refuses to go beyond them to please Washington. 

It won’t adopt counterproductive policies. It continues urging dialogue, ending Korean peninsula brinksmanship – above all avoiding war.

“The only choice today’s international community has is to solve (the North Korean) issue carefully and with great patience,” GT stressed.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."