
Trump’s Declaration of War on Palestinians


Trump’s Declaration of War on Palestinians

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Complicit with Netanyahu, Trump’s Jerusalem declaration was a criminal act against Palestinians, contemptuous of their rights – subjecting them to deaths and injuries by killer soldiers and police.

So far, 15 Palestinians perished, well over 4,000 injured, Israeli initiated violence continuing on Christmas – even in Bethlehem, Jesus’ birthplace, Israeli forces desecrating the city.

Instead of Christians and other tourists flocking there during the holiday season, dozens of groups cancelled visits following Trump’s declaration, according to  Jerusalem’s Latin Patriarchate Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa.

Other Palestinian Christian leaders denounced Trump, calling his move “dangerous” and “insulting.”

Jerusalem’s Greek Orthodox church Archbishop Atallah Hanna issued a statement, saying:

His action affronted “Christians and Muslims around the world who consider Jerusalem as an incubator of their most sacred, spiritual and national heritage,” adding:

“We, Palestinians, Christians and Muslims reject the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The US gave the occupation what it does not deserve.”

Former Latin Patriarch Michel Sabah said “(t)hose who want peace in Jerusalem should know that power will not bring (it). Peace starts with Jerusalem. Power cannot impose unjust peace.”

Palestinian Lutheran Bishop Munib Younan said Christian leaders urged Trump not to declare Jerusalem Israel’s capital.

“(T)hose who want peace in Jerusalem should know that power will not bring” it, said former Latin Patriarch Michel Sabah. “Peace starts with Jerusalem. Power cannot impose unjust peace.”

Bethlehem’s Evangelical Lutheran church pastor Mitri Raheb accused Trump of stealing the meaning of Christmas, defiling the Holy Land at the same time.

Except for Palestinian protesters and Israeli soldiers attacking them, Bethlehem is largely empty of Christmas visitors. It’s too dangerous to come.

US and Israeli Ziofascists deplore peace. Netanyahu blamed Palestinian victims of Trump’s shameful act for ongoing violence, turning truth on its head claiming “(i)t is the Palestinians who do not want to resolve this conflict.”

Washington and Israel bear full responsibility, rejecting peace for decades, perpetuating conflict, stalling for time so Israeli regimes can steal all valued parts of Judea and Samaria they want for exclusive Jewish development and use – Palestinians dispossessed from their historic homeland to facilitate it.

Netanyahu is a world-class thug, a Ziofascist, a serial liar, a war criminal, hugely corrupt, menacing Jews and non-Jews alike.

He shamefully called Iran the “root of…Middle East” conflict and turbulence – Washington and Israel stoking it for decades.

AIPAC turned truth on its head – falsely claiming Abbas prevents peace by refusing to deal with Trump officials.

It’s a waste of time trying. The same goes for Israel. Both countries demand subservience to their will, offering nothing in return but conflict, chaos and subjugation.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."